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Working principle of pipe jacking

Views: 4     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2023-07-04      Origin: Site

Pipe jacking construction is an underground pipeline construction method developed after shield construction. It does not require excavation of surface layers, and can pass through roads, railways, rivers, surface buildings, underground structures, and various underground pipelines.

Pipe jacking construction uses the thrust of the main jacking cylinder and the relay room between pipelines to push the tool pipe or road-header from the working well through the soil layer to the receiving well. At the same time, the pipeline immediately after the tool pipe or the boring machine was buried between the two wells, in order to realize the construction method of laying underground pipelines without excavation.

Hunan Great Steel Pipe Co.,Ltd
Hunan Great Steel Pipe Co.,Ltd is a world-class production and service provider of submerged arc straight seam welded pipe as the first subsidiary of Shinestar Group. Hunan Great Steel Pipe Co.,Ltd pays more attention to in the pipeline engineering research areas as a pioneer of China Petroleum Pipeline & Gas Pipeline Science Research Institute.



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